Baki: The Grappler

Baki the Grappler is an anime and manga series created by Keisuke Itagaki. It was originally serialized in Weekly Shōnen Champion from 1991 to 1999 and collected into 42 tankōbon volumes by Akita Shoten. The story follows Baki Hanma as he trains and tests his fighting skills against a variety of different opponents in deadly, no rules hand-to-hand combat. The series has been adapted into two anime series, produced by Tokyo Movie Shinsha and Group TAC. The first series was broadcast on TV Tokyo from January 8, 2001 to June 25, 2001, with 24 episodes. The second series, Baki, was broadcast from July 22, 2018 to December 24, 2018, with 26 episodes. Both series were licensed by Funimation.

It follows the story of Baki Hanma, an expert martial artist who is on a quest to become the strongest fighter in the world. Along the way, he must face a variety of opponents from various martial arts styles and backgrounds. The manga has also been adapted into several video games and a live-action film.

The manga has also spawned a sequel, Baki-Dou, which was serialized from 1999 to 2005. The story picks up after the events of the original series, with Baki now training to defeat his father, Yujiro Hanma, the strongest fighter in the world. The manga was collected into 31 tankōbon volumes by Akita Shoten. A new series, Baki-Dou II, began serialization in Weekly Shōnen Champion on October 4, 2018.


Baki the Grappler is a martial arts action-adventure series. The series follows Baki Hanma, an adolescent martial artist, as he trains and tests his fighting skills against a variety of opponents. The series explores themes such as the pursuit of strength, the importance of martial arts, and the power of determination. The series also features several classic martial arts styles and techniques, including karate, judo, jujutsu, and various forms of Chinese martial arts. The series also features a wide variety of characters, each with their own unique fighting style and backstory.

The series also features themes of violence, death, and revenge, as Baki often finds himself in deadly fights that result in death. The series also features themes of loyalty and friendship, as Baki's relationships with his friends, family, and rivals often become the focus of the story.

About the Characters:

Baki the Grappler features a wide variety of characters, each with their own unique fighting style and backstory. The main character is Baki Hanma, a young martial artist on a quest to become the greatest fighter in the world. Along the way, he must face a variety of opponents, from master martial artists to superhuman fighters.

Other characters include Baki's father, Yujiro Hanma, the world's strongest fighter; Kaoru Hanayama, a master of the art of judo; Doppo Orochi, a master of the art of jujutsu; Sikorsky, a superhuman fighter; and Yanagi Sakon, a mysterious martial artist. Many of these characters have rivalries with one another, which often become the focus of the story.


The fights in Baki the Grappler are often intense and brutal, featuring no rules combat with a variety of martial arts styles and techniques. The fights often feature weapons such as swords, knives, and spears, as well as traditional martial arts weapons such as nunchaku and bo staff. Baki and his opponents often use a combination of strength, speed, technique, and tactics to defeat their opponents.

The series also features a variety of exotic and superhuman opponents. These fights often become the focus of the story, and often involve intense battles of will between Baki and his opponents.

Ratings & Reviews:

Baki the Grappler has been generally well-received by critics and fans alike. The series has been praised for its intense and violent action, as well as its interesting characters and storylines. The anime series has a score of 7.77/10 on MyAnimeList, and the manga has a score of 8.65/10 on the same website. The series has also been praised for its gripping story, interesting characters, and thrilling fights.

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