
Gintama is a Japanese anime series created by Hideaki Sorachi. It is set in Edo, which has been conquered by aliens known as the Amanto. The story follows Gintoki Sakata, a rebellious samurai who works as a freelancer alongside his friends Shinpachi Shimura and Kagura in order to pay their rent. The series has been released in various media, including TV anime series, several movies, OVAs, and multiple manga series. The series is known for its off-the-wall comedy, parodying various aspects of Japanese culture and society. It has gained a lot of popularity in Japan and all around the world, making it one of the most successful anime series of all time. Gintama is a shounen anime series that has aired since 2006. It is known for its comedic style and its parodies of Japanese culture. It follows the adventures of Gintoki Sakata, a lazy but strong-willed samurai, and his friends Shinpachi Shimura and Kagura, as they try to make ends meet in the strange world of Edo, which has been taken over by aliens known as the Amanto. The show has gained a large following in Japan and all around the world, making it one of the most popular anime series of all time. It was serialized in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine from December 2003 to September 2018, and its chapters were collected into seventy-seven tankōbon volumes. It follows the adventures of Gintoki Sakata, a lazy but strong-willed samurai, and his friends Shinpachi Shimura and Kagura, as they try to make ends meet in the strange world of Edo, which has been taken over by aliens known as the Amanto. It has been adapted into several TV anime series, several movies, multiple original video animations, and multiple video games. The series has gained a large following in Japan and all around the world, making it one of the most successful anime series of all time.


Gintama is a shounen anime series that combines comedy, action, and drama. The main themes of Gintama are friendship, hard work, and perseverance. Gintoki and his friends face numerous challenges in their efforts to defend their home of Edo, and their determination and loyalty to each other often help them succeed. The series also parodies various aspects of Japanese culture and society, adding a humorous element to the show.


About the Characters:

Gintama follows the adventures of Gintoki Sakata, a lazy but strong-willed samurai, and his friends Shinpachi Shimura and Kagura, as they try to make ends meet in the strange world of Edo. Gintoki is a highly skilled swordsman who is also a master of disguise and a master of the four-way sword style. Shinpachi is a skilled swordsman who is usually the voice of reason amongst the trio. Kagura is a powerful and fearless fighter who is also a member of the Yato clan. Other characters in the series include the Shinsengumi, a group of samurai police officers, and the Joui Patriots, a group of freedom fighters.

About Hideaki Sorachi:

Hideaki Sorachi is a Japanese manga artist best known for creating the popular manga series Gintama. He was born in Tokyo, Japan on August 25, 1979. He originally worked as an assistant to various manga artists before creating Gintama in 2003. His work has been praised for its comedic timing and its parodies of Japanese culture and society. He has also written several light novels, as well as the novel adaptation of Gintama.


Ratings & Reviews:

Gintama has been incredibly popular in Japan and all around the world, receiving praise for its off-the-wall comedy and its parodies of Japanese culture and society. It has been rated an 8.9/10 on MyAnimeList and an 8.7/10 on IMDb. It has also been praised by critics, with the New York Times calling it "a sharp, funny satire of modern Japan". It has also been nominated for numerous awards, including the Japan Media Arts Festival Grand Prize and the Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize.



  1. Straight up the best of the best.
    It's is the best on the top. This show deserves Oscar. Onep ,Naruto and all are great but gintama no words.

  2. I see you are a man of culture as well.
