Made in Abyss

Made in Abyss is a 2017 anime series based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Akihito Tsukushi. The story follows an orphan named Riko who, along with her humanoid robot friend Reg, explore the Abyss, a mysterious, dangerous, and unexplored cave system filled with ancient artifacts and strange creatures. Along the way, they encounter a variety of strange and dangerous creatures and artifacts, as well as a mysterious white-haired boy. The anime is directed by Masayuki Kojima and produced by Kinema Citrus. The series aired from July 7, 2017, to September 29, 2017. Made in Abyss is an anime series that follows the story of a young girl named Riko and her humanoid robot companion, Reg. The two set off on an adventure into the Abyss, a mysterious and unexplored cave system filled with ancient artifacts and strange creatures. As they explore the Abyss, they uncover secrets and mysteries that could change the world forever. The series is directed by Masayuki Kojima and produced by Kinema Citrus. Made in Abyss has received critical acclaim for its unique setting, detailed art, complex characters, and thrilling plot. The series has been praised for its unique blend of the adventure, fantasy, and science fiction genres and for its strong character development.


The theme of Made in Abyss is exploration, discovery, and adventure. The series follows Riko and Reg as they explore the Abyss, a mysterious and unexplored cave system filled with ancient artifacts and strange creatures. Along the way, they uncover secrets and mysteries that could change the world forever. The series emphasizes the importance of exploration and discovery, as well as the courage it takes to face the unknown. It also explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and courage in the face of danger.

About the Characters:

Riko is the main protagonist of the series. She is an orphan living in the town of Orth, located at the edge of the Abyss. She is a brave, determined, and inquisitive young girl with a thirst for adventure. Her dream is to become a White Whistle, the most accomplished of all cave-divers. Reg is Riko's humanoid robot companion. He is a mysterious figure who appears to have no memory of his past. He is brave, loyal, and protective of Riko, and is willing to do whatever it takes to protect her. Nanachi is a mysterious white-haired boy who lives in the Abyss. He is a knowledgeable and experienced cave-diver who helps Riko and Reg on their journey. Ozen is an experienced White Whistle who lives in the Abyss. She is a strict and demanding teacher but is ultimately a powerful ally who helps Riko and Reg in their journey.

Scenery & OSTs:

The scenery in Made in Abyss is breathtaking, with lush forests, deep chasms, and mysterious ruins. The soundtrack is composed by Kevin Penkin and is filled with beautiful and haunting melodies that perfectly capture the mysterious and dangerous atmosphere of the Abyss. The soundtrack also features a variety of ethnic instruments, creating a unique and immersive soundscape.

Ratings & Reviews:

Made in Abyss has been critically acclaimed, with many praising the series for its unique setting, detailed art, complex characters, and thrilling plot. The series has a score of 8.67/10 on MyAnimeList, based on over 156 thousand votes. It also has a score of 94% on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 6 reviews. more info Made in Abyss is a critically acclaimed anime series that has won several awards, including the Crunchyroll Anime Awards for Best Animation. The series has also spawned several spin-off manga series, as well as a live-action movie. The series is currently available for streaming on Crunchyroll, Funimation, and Netflix.

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