Tokyo Revengers

Tokyo Revengers is an anime based on the manga of the same name by Ken Wakui. Tokyo Revengers is a 2021 action-adventure anime series based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Ken Wakui. The series is produced by Liden Films and directed by Koichi Hatsumi, with Osamu Kine composing the music. The series follows Takemichi Hanagaki, a 26-year-old NEET who finds himself sent back in time to his middle school days in order to save his loved ones from a future disaster. With the help of a rag-tag group of delinquents known as the Tokyo Revengers, Takemichi must find the courage to face his own past and protect his future. The series premiered on April 11, 2021. The series has also spawned an official light novel adaptation, as well as various spin-off manga series. A live-action film adaptation is also in the works. Tokyo Revengers is an action-packed shonen series about a group of delinquents known as the Tokyo Revengers and their mission to save Takemichi Hanagaki's future. The series features intense fight scenes and a compelling story about friendship and redemption. With a diverse cast of characters, Tokyo Revengers is sure to be a hit with fans of Shonen Jump.


The theme of Tokyo Revengers is redemption. The main characters must face their past and the consequences of their actions in order to save the future. The manga also explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the power of self-sacrifice. The story is a powerful exploration of the idea of redemption, and how it can be used to help better ourselves and the world around us. Tokyo Revengers has been praised for its story and character development, as well as its intense fight scenes. The series has been adapted into a light novel, several spin-off manga series, and a live-action film adaptation is also in the works. The series has been well-received by fans, and the anime was nominated for the Crunchyroll Anime Awards for Best Action Series.

About the Characters:

The main characters of Tokyo Revengers are Takemichi Hanagaki, the protagonist. Mikey, a former gang leader and the leader of the Tokyo Revengers; Manjiro "Joe" Sano, a former gang leader and Mikey's right-hand man; and Hina, a mysterious girl with an unknown connection to Takemichi. The series also features a host of other supporting characters, such as Draken, the leader of the Tokyo Manji Gang; the members of the Tokyo Revengers, including Baji, Chifuyu, Tatsu, and Akkun; and the members of the Tokyo Manji Gang, including Saori and Momo. The characters of Tokyo Revengers are all compelling and dynamic. Each has their own motivations and secrets, and as the series progresses, their relationships with each other and with Takemichi grow and evolve.

About Ken Wakui:

Ken Wakui is a Japanese manga artist best known for writing and illustrating the series Tokyo Revengers. He is also the author of the series Deathtopia, a horror manga series. Wakui first made his debut in 2004 with the series Deathtopia, which ran in the magazine Weekly Shonen Jump. He then created Tokyo Revengers, which was initially published in Weekly Shonen Jump in 2017 and later was adapted into an anime series in 2021. Wakui has also worked on several spin-off manga series for Tokyo Revengers, such as Tokyo Revengers: Gaiden, Tokyo Revengers: Side Story, and Tokyo Revengers: Trigger. He also wrote the light novel adaptation of Tokyo Revengers. Wakui's work has been praised for its compelling stories and characters, as well as its intense fight scenes. Tokyo Revengers was nominated for the Crunchyroll Anime Awards for Best Action Series.

Ratings & Reviews:

Tokyo Revengers has been met with mostly positive reviews. On IMDb, the series has an 8.1/10 rating, and on Rotten Tomatoes, it has a 91% approval rating. Critics have praised the series for its compelling story, intense fight scenes, and dynamic characters. The anime adaptation of Tokyo Revengers has been nominated for the Crunchyroll Anime Awards for Best Action Series.

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