Mob Psycho: 100

Mob Psycho 100 is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by ONE. It follows the adventures of Shigeo "Mob" Kageyama, an eighth grade boy with psychic powers while he is working as an assistant to con-man Reigen Arataka. The series was adapted into an anime television series in 2016.

Mob Psycho 100 tells the story of Shigeo , a young psychic who tries to use his powers for good but is often discouraged by his master Reigen .The story follows Mob and Reigen’s adventures as they face both supernatural and mundane challenges. Along the way, Mob meets new friends and enemies, faces ethical dilemmas, discovers the power of friendship and learns about the limits of his psychic abilities.

Mob Psycho 100

The theme of Mob Psycho 100 is the power of humanity. Mob and Reigen strive to use their powers for good and to help others, even when their own limits are tested. Through their experiences and journey, the series emphasizes the importance of friendship and emotional growth in order to achieve true power and understanding. Themes of self-acceptance, trust, and determination are also explored as Mob discovers who he is and learns the value of persistence.


The theme of fights in Mob Psycho 100 is that no matter how powerful a person is, it is only through collaboration, understanding and friendship that one can truly reach their full potential. This is explored through Mob's various battles with foes of both supernatural and mundane origin, highlighting the fact that sometimes those who appear to be the strongest are actually the most vulnerable. Through these conflicts, Mob and his friends learn to come together, trust each other and rely on each other for strength and guidance.

Animation & Art:

The animation in Mob Psycho 100 is the importance of expression through art. The series uses animation to bring its characters and story to life, conveying emotion and beauty through its vivid visuals. Animation serves to enhance the story, adding texture and colour to the world of Mob and Reigen and providing a platform for self-expression and creativity. Additionally, it emphasizes the power of art as a means of communication, conveying messages of understanding, friendship and growth.

 Ratings & Reviews:

Mob Psycho 100 has received critical acclaim for its unique art style, compelling story, and in-depth characters. On Rotten Tomatoes, the series holds an approval rating of 100%, based on 17 reviews. On IMDb, it holds a score of 8.7/10, based on 4,981 user votes. On Metacritic, it holds a score of 84, based on 10 critic ratings.

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